Pilot Community

Lansing Intentional Communities (LINCs) is a community integrated model of living that provides adults with disabilities the opportunity to live independently while creating community connections. LINCs is not solely an independent living initiative – the model assembles the strengths of families, community partners and local businesses to provide the opportunity to link in real-life, purposeful living situations, integrated experiences and supports.

Who Can Participate?
People who would like to live in a Lansing Intentional Community must have a documented disability, be willing to live with a roommate or pay increased costs to live alone, be over the age of 18 and not have a criminal history. Most importantly, prospective tenants must want to participate in a caring community of residents and have a desire to integrate into their respective community; including putting in deliberate effort, working through adversity and learning from their community.

Who Decides Where I Will Live?
Lansing Intentional Communities focuses on empowering the individual to live a self-determined life, making important decisions about where they choose to live and with whom. Each resident, along with their families, will also determine the level of support they need to live independently and determine who can best provide those supports, whether family, roommates, paid staff, or other natural supports in the community.
There are multiple residential options for participating residents in each community location. LINCS’s pilot community, on Lansing’s east side, includes a LINCS owned home with 2 apartments housing 3 residents. As fundraising allows, LINCS may purchase additional properties, but other options include existing rental apartments or houses in the neighborhood. Individuals and/or their families may even choose to purchase their own property.

How Many Residents Live in the Community?
Each “community” will ideally include 8-10 individuals desiring to socialize and create community together. Although residents will live independently in apartments or houses located within a few blocks of each other, the larger group will meet regularly to enjoy one another’s company and experience greater community involvement. The residents will be able to share resources, give each other support, build friendships and engage in neighborhood activities together.

How Do Residents Build Community?
Relationships between residents will be supported by a “community builder” who will live within the boundaries of the larger community to encourage socializing between residents and to help plan regular community meals and activities. By living within the community, their presence will also offer security to families by assuring that this friend/support/neighbor is always within easy reach. Residents and their families provide monthly financial support for the “community builder,” over and above the costs of rent and living expenses.


Copyright © 2016 Lansing Intentional Communities, Inc.
-- a 501(c)3 Non-Profit
2611 Okemos Rd., Mason, MI 48854
All Rights Reserved

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